Thursday, October 1, 2015

MSU Drinking Game

What’s college without Wine Wednesday and Thirsty Thursday? An academic institution meant to further a student’s knowledge and prepare them for life? Boring.
In honor of Thirsty Thursday and in preparation for homecoming weekend, I present to you The MSU Drinking Game.

Take a shot…
·      For every moped you see.
·      Every time someone says the word "combo".
·      For every Yik Yak post bashing the next football team we are going up against.
·      For every “Go Green!” you hear (and for every "Go White!" response).
·      For every long-boarder you see.
·      Every time you see someone wipe out on their bike.
·      For every drunk person spotted at Conrad’s on a Friday/Saturday night.
·      Every time the CATA almost runs someone over.
·     Whenever the train wakes you up.
·      Whenever someone complains about the train waking them up
·      For every complaint heard about the toilet paper
·      For every time you do something just for the free t-shirt
·      Every time you step outside and think, “man, I love my school”

Can you think of anything I left out? Make sure to leave a comment and let me know. Happy homecoming weekend to you all! Turn tf up (safely of course) and use my code for a free Uber if you need it (alliee97ue)!


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