Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Things To Do Instead Of Slut Shaming!

Considering verbally judging a woman on her sexual promiscuity? Pause! No need to pull that asshole move. Instead, browse this list of alternatives to hating on a fellow female.

1.    Read a book!
Perhaps pertaining to how women can do WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT.

2.    Listen to Queen Bey or Nicki Minaj!
Listening to ‘Anaconda’ or ‘I Woke Up Like This’ is a sure-fire way to empower not only yourself, but realize that all women are hot as hell and can be as SEXUAL AS THEY DAMN WELL PLEASE. 

3.    Learn to not give a fuck!
Really. It’s none of your damn business anyway. Shit.

4.    Punch yourself in the face!
Wondering what it feels like to be slut-shamed? Now   you know! Congratulations!

5.    Literally anything else

Hope this was helpful! and remember, ladies:


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