Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Worst Kinds of People in College

I am generally a very tolerant person. It takes a lot to get me visually angry because I try to always remain positive. However, since moving to college about a month ago, I’ve grown more impatient regarding other people’s annoying habits, and I am sure that if you are in college and live on campus, you can relate to these too.

1.   People walking on the bike path.
I don’t know if it is that you can’t read, can’t interpret visual symbols, or you just straight up don’t give two fucks but the bike path is for BIKES. Last time I checked, you don’t have two wheels for feet and handle bars for arms. Today a girl walked right in front of me on the bike path, causing me to crash my bike trying to swerve out of the way, and in the process I fucked up my knee pretty badly. 

Then she goes on to say “Oh I’m fine don’t worry about it. It’s totally okay!” Um, I wasn’t going to apologize but…

2.   Those who take FOREVER at the dining hall salad bar.
   I understand that it is a very tough decision whether lettuce or spinach will better match your Instagram aesthetic, but I have 30 minutes before my next class so please just assemble your caesar salad and move on with your life, so I can move on with mine.

3.   Students who brag about their high school GPA/ ACT score.
Fun fact: NOBODY GIVES A FUCK. That shit stopped mattering the moment you walked across that stage with your diploma. If you have to keep reminding everyone that you got a 4.0 and a 33 on your ACT, please begin to dedicate your college years to making sure that you did not, in fact, peak in high school.

                                        4.   Fuckboys

In my first month of college, I have come across more fuckboys than I have come across 4.0s (and I’m no dumbass). If I had a dollar for every time I got invited to “Netflix and chill” or every time I got asked if I needed help at the squat rack, I wouldn’t have to worry about the crippling amount of student debt I’ll have four years from now.

5.   Judgy People
Immediately after I typed that, Microsoft Word so kindly reminded me that “judgy” is not in the dictionary. Luckily idgaf. When you start college, you meet people from all different walks of life. There will be people on the floor of your dorm with a different race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status than you.  There is this thing you’re supposed to do in college that might be foreign to you. You’re supposed to LEARN STUFF. Allow that concept to extend outside of the classroom and beyond academics. Not only will you meet people with different social identities but also who make different life choices than you. Some people drink (okay a lot of people drink). Some people do drugs (okay there are a lot of those too). And if you don’t like that kind of stuff, then DON’T DO IT. Stop judging other people’s life choices and just worry about your own.

Let me know of anything I left out, and if you agree or disagree with my list. Also feel free to rant in the comments. Let it all out. Scream. Yell. Abuse the caps lock key. And please leave suggestions for what you want me to write about next. Thanks so much for reading. I hope you have a kickass day, and eat all of the carbs your heart desires.


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