Sunday, October 4, 2015

College Has Improved My Mental Health

March 2013
At 15 years old, during my sophomore year of high school, I was diagnosed with severe anorexia nervosa, acute depression, and anxiety. All throughout my recovery, including during my three month stay at U of M C.S Mott Children’s Hospital, college was a huge motivation for me to recover. I knew that if I didn’t get healthy, mentally and physically, my doctors wouldn’t let me move away. For the next 2 ½ years, I worked my ass off in recovery. I ate foods that scared me, got out of bed when all I wanted to do was sleep, and learned ways to calm myself down when I began to feel an anxiety attack coming on. I found an amazing therapist that helps me sort out my emotions, and I’m now on the perfect dose of my anti-depressants.

Move-In Day (August 2015)
During my senior year of high school, my parents and doctors decided that I could move away to college in the fall. I was overjoyed, but at the same time scared. How would I deal with my anxiety and depression without my therapist? How would I manage to adjust to a new environment and new stressors? Would I do okay eating in the dining hall? All of these thoughts terrified me. But with proper planning, by the end of August I felt not only ready, but also very excited to move to East Lansing and start fresh at Michigan State University.

MSU vs. Oregon (September 2015)
Now, a little over a month into my freshman year of college, I can say something that I never thought I would: college has helped tremendously with improving my mental health. Since I moved in, I have not had one anxiety attack. There hasn’t been a single day where my depression has been so consuming that I felt physically unable to get out of bed. I haven’t skipped a single class, and I’ve been taking my medication consistently, which was always a struggle for me before. I’ve been eating what I want in the dining hall, instead of what has the fewest calories (I even ate french fries for the first time in probably four years!). My workout routine has been more consistent than it has been in a long time, which really helps clear my mind. I’ve even met new friends! I’ve become more outgoing and willing to reach out to new people than ever before. I’m confident. I have reached a level of self-love that I never thought was possible. I’m living away from home for the first time ever, I’m on a huge campus with over 50,000 other students, I’m taking 15 credits while being involved in clubs and service learning, and I can honestly say I’ve never been happier.

Now I understand that I’ve only been here a month. I haven’t experienced finals week, a fight with my roommate, or extreme homesickness, and I know these things may provoke my anxiety, or make me more depressed. But as of now, I’m happy, and that is all that matters.

September 2015 (happy)
March 2013 (sick, miserable)

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